Aimee Lamb

Aimee Lamb


Las Vegas, Nevada

Member Since:
March 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Aimee

Born in war torn Britain, moved to Switzerland and attended first International School in the world, before being packed off to boarding school in England. Went to London University, Royal Holloway College, read History with minors in French/Latin, grounds contain Runnymede and college built on design of Chambord! Great for historical buffs.
Moved to U.S. in 1965, worked in language department at Maryland U. then in Dean's Office of General Education.
Moved to California, raised family, owned two businesses and kept writing.
"Boadicea" script was awarded 1st place in Authorlink's/University of Georgia's in 2001.
"Soft shoe Finale" written with David Lieberman won Honorable Mention Drama Award in Screenplay Festival 2006. Was also Finalist in Santa Barbara and La Femme competitions.
"San Francisco" in hands of agent Hazel Hoyle of Oxygen films, went to the Berlin "Film Festival and garnered positive attention from an Oscar winning actor. It was a Finalist in 25th Write Movies competition and Semi-finalist in Screen Writers Challenge.
"Where the Devil Says Goodnight" written with co-writer Ron Shears was nominated to a U.S. International and Heritage Award in 2010.
Both "San Francisco" and "Where the Devil Says Goodnight" are listed on IMDb Pro.
Love the collaboration process and have worked with several Directors on projects of theirs as well as fellow screenwriters.
Agent Hazel Hoyle of Oxygen Films works out of Ontario, Canada.

Unique traits: Bilingual, French/English, smattering of other languages; sarcasm; soccer and pickle ball player as well as bowler. Write historical novels and poetry.



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