Member Since:
March 2012
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About Stacy

My name is Stacey Martin now 45 years old, born and raised between a Rock and a Hard Hat. The unwanted life of the Bronx and Harlem streets that paved the way for me and others moral destruction.
My experience come from the experience of the foundation of that world. In and out of prison institutions, gun decsions, envy, and enticement to the innocent. There was good times and some progressed others in the casket graves, or lost it all in the Rico Statue Game.
My goal is not to glorify my past but eudcate like the history in public school through the vision of the public audience, with the good, there is the bad through realistic experiences that has not change as I observe the destruction of my youth with these new roots. Let the story be told, that the true stories come from the true eye witness.

Unique traits: Eye for Creative Writing




  • The Streets

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