I grew up in Los Angeles and and recieved my high school education. Graduated from Garfield High School. Then went to East Los Angeles College where I attended for two years, then transferred to Calif. State University Los Angeles majoring in Sociology. Did not gradutate, becuase I got marred and a family and a career that lasted fo 23 years with Southern California Edison put a halt temporaty halt to educational pursuit of my B.A.
In 1998 in re-enrolled at California Uninversity State University, San Bernardino and continued to my the middle of junior year when a serious health issue put a halt to my goal to get my Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Communication
All due to a professor who did not let make take a math test two days prior finals. I had a surgery scheduled on the same day; anyways I got no credit for the class; but the operation saved my life. For 29 days I was between life and death
Now I am medically retired from my old job. But i embarked on writing a collberative novel with Co-Author Ruby D. Woods. Which nows is becoming perhaps a triology in Sci-fi, realm of Sword and Sorcery. My pen name is Elios Nemacil or under my own Adolfo Rico Jr.
Unique traits: I like to write about diverse subjects mostl Sci-fi. Sword and Sorcery. End of the world; but with an alternate take, the destroyers are Motorcylists Riders from different races, not literal horse riders-but instead Iron Horse Riders.
Shaman's Enigma To Deny The Fates
by Nomadic Story Teller