That Which Falls Apart, a short film written and directed by Leighton Silvestro Director of Photography: Brandon D. Hyde Editor: Brandon Agan This short film highlights several vignettes of everyday lives and the thread that intertwines all these seemingly unconnected events. Sometimes living a lie, isn't bliss after all.
From January 1 to now, I can honestly say that 2013 was my most successful career year to date. I met some unbelievably talented people, show some amazing projects and most of all, made some spectacular friends. So it is with great joy that I present my 2013 Demo Reel. Not only am I just excited about what I got to shoot this year, it’s also a chance for me to remember some of the great moments this past year has brought. It’s only a 3 minute snippet but I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. And here is to 2014! May it be your greatest year yet!
2012 was a huge year for me, professionally and personally. It was difficult to put this together because of that. But I think I captured what my life has been like in the last year. Here's hoping that 2013 is bigger and better! Most pieces you'll see were shot on the 5DMk2 or 7D with a wide array of lenses, steadicams, tripods, jibs, etc. Contact info: Brandon D. Hyde 813.417.5340
We were honored to DP, shoot and help produce this music video for We Are Element, the band for Element Church Tampa. This song reflects on the journey the church has traveled through in its first four years sharing their lives and stories together. The story was written by a couple of the band members during a time that multiple families were experiences a lot of heart ache and growth and their church family helped carry the burden with them. Our stories do not just belong to us, we are all...