Shooting 5D MkII
Beta test in Hawaii of the ValsTech underwater housing for iPhone
Muchachos Beard Co, Portrait , Ryan Funk. Winter Park Florida, photo by @AnneJoLee
@AnneJoLee Shooting at the Dry Tortugas National Park #GuardianOfTheGulf
Camera 1 at Aloma Church . org for Live Broadcast every Sunday at 9:30 EST
On camera 1 at Aloma Church . org for Live Broadcast every Sunday at 9:30 EST
I'm most in my element in nature like here shooting a VLOG update near Tampa.
Me Editing and sorting through 16 TB of footage to get the Documentary together.
Muchachos Beard Co Family Owned and operated in Orlando, photo shoot #Portraits for Marketing
Muchachos Beard Co Photo Shoot Orlando 1
Muchachos Beard Co Photo Shoot Orlando
Pele's Pets, by Anne Jo Lee
Shooting Lava at Volcanoes National Park Hawaii
Beta Testing the iPhone Housing from ValsTech that goes 100 M , photo shoot with a mermaid in Hawaii.
Aside from Cameras, I also shoot Guns and a Compound Bow
The day my lens was smashed but I kept shooting anyway, totally worth it and only happened once in 20 years so, oh well!
PADI Certified.
At WEYW in Key West where I created a show called, Greetings from the Florid Keys.
On camera Shooting an Interview.
My 3rd eye.
Shooting with Canon 5D Mark II at Ft. Jefferson 12.30.11
1st AD on set in Shreveport with Director Chris Lyon
Actress to play the my part in an autobiographical dark comedy
In NYC shooting for DOW Chemical
1st AC, lights, white balance card, buddy phone comms, Nitrox, Dive!
Checking out UW Lights
Running Cable for POV cam through wreck.
Fortum Commercial with Steve and Anthony S. Lenzo