Jack Warner

Jack Warner

Actor, Filmmaker, Musician, Producer and Screenwriter

Hollywood, California

Member Since:
August 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jack

Jack Warner's main ambition is to produce, direct, write and act in films that have Science Fiction themes. Jack Warner, who is also known by the name of "Jacwar", resides in his birth place Los Angeles. His father is of English descent, and his mother is of Italian ancestry. A perfectionist in his craft Jack is painstakingly meticulous in his preparation for his projects. Although Jack has excelled in real life's successful performances such as a college professor, a real estate broker, a music and film producer, he also has succeeded in earning a graduate degree in film making.. Jack is looking forward to produce, write, direct and act in Oscar worthy movies. He has just finished writing the exciting Sci-Fi The Blue Diamond Movie Script which he is going to produce and score as well.




    THE BLUE DIAMOND Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi Fantasy A hybrid Extraterrestrial Superhero is on a quest for Galactic peace that spans the ages from King Tut through 2020, 3000 and beyond.. 


  • The Blue Diamond

    The Blue Diamond (2018)
    Film (Sci-Fi) Actor This is the story of Jack Warner, who happens to discover his true identity at a certain point of his life, namely that he is a Hybrid Extraterrestrial. . His exciting life starts in the year 3600 BC where he first got his Blue Diamond Spaceship as a birthday gift from his Extraterrestrial mother. Jack then decides to embark on his journey throughout the ages, including certain important periods in his life, namely the years 3600, 2018, 2999, 10,000 and beyond. He meets his love interest during few of those lifetimes. But a lot of obstacles kept creeping up that kept him away from his love. But as Superhero, Jack Warner proves that nothing could stand in his way of saving his love interest even if he has to venture back to the past, or to the present or to the future. The Blue Diamond movie goes beyond the traditional genres of Star Wars, Star Gate or Close Encounters of the Third Kind in order to delve into exciting new territories that have never been seen before in those or in any ... Written by Jack Warner

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