Kelly Novak

Kelly Novak

Kellyann's Reiki, Spiritual Healing

Penn Valley, California

Member Since:
April 2012
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About Kelly

Hello everybody, I am here for modeling,acting, and to get a feel for the movie community :) I am presently running my own business in the wellness industry "Kellyanns Reiki ,Spiritual Healing .
I also have created a youth formula from all organic ingredients ! This formula is the reason I look so much younger than my age :)
I Just want to get my skills out there for everyone to find access to :)
I am exactly as I appear in my photo, and I am into the fitness routine and therefore in great shape for a gal my age .. !! I am also here to explore avenues for my son as he is a young war Vet from Afghanistan , who is presently writing a novel that he hopes to turn into a screenplay for a movie . So I will keep you all posted on his progress :)
I was born in Northern California on August 16 ,1961 , I was raised on a ranch in Grass Valley California by my parents Hal and Judy , I have only one sibling my sister Shannon :) I have one amazing son Drew who is the light of my life and is the main reason for my success !
In 1989 after the birth of my son, I found out two years later I had Uterine cancer,so I made a promise to him that I would beat it and start living a better ,happier,healthier life for him!
I told no one in my family or my friends, and made my doctor promise to remain silent as well, as my mother had enough dealings with cancer, with my Grand-mother who was suffering from lung cancer and I did not want her to worry about me too, therefore I suffered in silence:( I was in a very abusive relationship, at that time, and had gained an enormous amount of weight, therefore I was quite unhealthy and constantly stressed, which led to the Cancer!
Cancer is born from stress and resentment,and I had a ton of that in my life! In 1991 I had my Uterus removed to stop the spread of the cancer to my other organs , and just told my family that I had my Uterus removed due to Endometriosis, which I had and which the Cancer hid underneath! For 6 months I had treatments,to make sure the cancer was gone completely, during that time I focused on being healthy and strong for my son !
I worked out on my own with body shaping on TV and watched what I put in my my mouth !! Within a year I was able to drop 150 LBs with no help ! I also took Jiu jitsu lessons , to gain my self worth and to protect myself from my husband’s attacks !

I finally was strong enough to divorce my husband in 1995 , and I took my son to Las Vegas, where I met my second husband ,who put me through school to study the human body inside and out to became a certified personal trainer :)
I then began my first business in 1996 called “BODY BY DESIGN FITNESS FOR WOMEN” I loved fitness so much!!! I even competed in bodybuilding competition here in Vegas in 1996 and brought home a trophy !!!! ! In 1998 my son was diagnosed with Juvenile arthritis , he was swollen in every joint of his body and the doctor told me he needed massage to keep the circulation in his feet and legs :(
I learned how to do circulatory massage to gently massaged his swollen little feet and legs nightly to help him sleep .Little did I know that I would become a massage therapist and licensed Reiki Master in the future, and I had no idea I was healing him with my touch!

In 2003 I divorced my second husband due to drugs and alcohol :(
I took my son and moved out on my own ! I decided to homeschool him and work out of my home so I could take care of him :) I moved to Southern Cal in Sept of 2004 and lived with a friend . I had a very hard time doing my fitness training there due to the huge amount of trainers in the area, I began doing massage on the weekends to pay the bills so….. “Kellyann’s Bikini massage” was born on the beaches of Southern Cal. I traveled from location to location , giving massages in my bikini as we were living in the ghetto of Oxnard, at the time ,so not a prime location for my clients to come to !

While on one of my massage trips my friend lost his mind and tried to kill me literally!! (A whole nother story) !! He was locked up in jail, but I wanted to see him get help in a mental hospital,so I refused to press charges. I asked to sit in on his sessions with his doctor,so that I could understand why he did what he did to me:( I found out he had been mentally ill for a very long time and unbeknownst to me he had stopped his meds, and it sent him into a extreme paranoia rage !
I understood it was not his fault, and I vowed to help him any way I could!
During the time he was in the hospital my son went and joined the army (at the age of 17) (By the way there was no trace of arthritis in his body when he went for his physical ) When he left for boot camp , I decided to stick around and help my friend to get through his rehabilitation until his release for the next 3 months ! Finally when I knew he was coming home, and doing better , I planed for his mother to move back in!

I was an emotional mess and was unable to work , sleep, or eat , due to all the stress in my life ! My money had been drained from my account,by him while he was out of touch with reality,and what little was left I survived on! I used everything I had to pay off all the bills , and was dead broke!
Just when I was ready to give up hope, Out of the blue my dear friend Marcia called me, and offered to pay for a u-haul, gas ,and anything I needed to get to her place back in Vegas! I knew I needed to get to a safe and positive atmosphere so I could get myself healthy again ! So I accepted her kind and generous offer and bunked on Marcia’s hide a bed for a few months so I could rebuild my life !
Heres a thought: How did Marcia know to call me at the moment I had given up on life?I believe my Angel was watching over me!

Marcia not only gave me a home but nursed me back to health as I was quite ill due to depression and not eating properly!

I Thank her from the bottom of my heart !“THANK YOU MARCIA”
When I was strong enough, I started from scratch June of 2006 with only my massage table and my two hands !

I posted my ad for “Kellyann’s Bikini Massage” on craigslist , I hired me a 6'4" body guard and away I went ! I started going to homes and hotels in the evenings as I was taking care of Marcia’s family during the day, as she healed from a knee replacement surgery !

I built my reputation and my business ,by staying focused on what I wanted and ….

Within 6 months I was in my own little place and doing massages there and no more out call :) Yay!!!!! I loved having my own place to work,and I worked hard to create the most relaxing and enjoyable massage I could,with the most comfortable atmosphere possible:)

It was July 2009 I was in my special store getting candles for my massage room when a strange woman came up to me and to my surprise she gave me a hug ! I asked her “Do I know you ?” She replied “I saw your Beautiful aura, you're a Reiki Master !! I said ” No I'm just a massage therapist ” :) She told me "Oh Honey you are so much more than that, You have a great and powerful gift !" "You are A powerful Reiki Healer !" She asked if I would let her train me ….she would prove it to me ! The next week I began my reiki training and within 2 months I was a certified Reiki master September 2009 ! That is when I changed my business name to “Heavenly Healing Hands Reiki Massage”

During that time I saw the movie “The Secret” I began applying it’s teachings on a daily basis ! I listened to Wayne Dyer,Louise Hay,and Ester and Jerry Hicks the teachings of Abraham ! I learned to love and respect myself,as well as love and forgive others:)

3 months later I moved into a big beautiful 4000 sft house and was doing quite well! The energy that flowed through me was warm and tingly for me and my clients, and I was taking away pain and putting people in remission,from cancer,& crohn's disease,as well as reducing swelling from diabetes ,removing chronic back pain ,shoulder injuries, etc. It was amazing as I felt the energy surge through me and into my clients !

Then June 2011 I moved to a lovely 5000sft home , located on the golf course at the grand Legacy with a beautiful massage room elegantly decorated, with it’s own bathroom that I had stocked with plenty of towels,and toiletries for my client’s private use !

Did not care to live on the golf course any longer, as I was tired of the golf balls hitting my windows ! I moved after a year and a half to my beautiful home in the SW area of Rainbow, where the energy is amazing, and I couldn't be happier!

I have won two awards… one for being” The best Reiki Healer of Las Vegas” as heavenly Healing Hands and one for “The best Swedish Massage therapist in Henderson and Vegas”also as Heavenly Healing Hands ! I am very proud of my business and I love what I can do for people !

Thank you, for taking the time to read a bit about me, Blessed be and always remember…...“IF YOU CAN DREAM IT YOU CAN BE IT !!! “
I Did!

Unique traits: physically fit and a green belt in Karate and Jujitsu


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