John OHara Aka John E. WordSlinger

John OHara Aka John E. WordSlinger

Chicago, Illinois

Member Since:
September 2015
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About John

My Internet Writing Life Motto is-
Keep it Poetry and Poetry Shall Keep You:,
Short Bio:Hazard…

I have to take the road that Bruce Lee
took towards the Martial Arts, as an
Analogy here. Like Water;
I take the Literature Arts of Poetry.
In the beginning I used free verse,
swift rhyming, lyrical, metal-rap-groove verse.
With definition and aggression.
Now I try different systems,
in all genres, as always,
And put them to my personal use,
furthermore put to use what is useful
when needed, and reject what I don’t need
at the time for a specific write.
Using no specific way is the way,
I am the way I write, but keeping in mind,
the tools at hand. No limitations as the limitation.
With all poetry styles ( trapping, and grabbing)-
(Mind locks-Heart locks-Spiritual locks-)
Honestly expressing ones self is difficult to do:
The Poet, the creating individual is always
more important than any style or system.
Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless,
And add to what is your own.
I write my own interpretation of poetry.
Concepts behind concepts.
Dedicating to creating
creative new-original thoughts, and poetry.
Like I write with one hand,
but if I could write with the other,
at the same time, a different poem,
that would be to break boundaries.
As asking multi-tasking: Poetry styles separate poets.
Style is a continuous growth.
Poetry skills/tools are weapons and you have
to use all of them, to incorporate all styles.
(Move all parts of your poetry)
Put everything into it, all energy.
Rest then progress.
A true poet is constantly growing,
and when he or she are bound by a set of styles,
or a way of doing things, that’s when he,
or she stops growing.
To reach a reader you have to move
to them, advance, and retreat- advance retreat,
furthermore slide and step back, push,
and push back, circle them
( put the reader on defense),
and close them in, and hit them
with the best closure.
Poetry is like water, flexible, it has to go somewhere.

Unique traits: originality, wordslinging, RxR History, poetry, and poetry history




  • LOULIAS' BUNKER by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    LOULIAS' BUNKER by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger War Horror “When darkness coaxes the world to believe the lies, when terror’s breathlessness becomes an ally to the smoke-filled sky, then nothing else but the verses of bravery can relentlessly fight for the truth to let our world breathe again. Loulias’ Bunker written by John E WordSlinger is such a collection of versified stories where each page has been consecrated by the blood stained ink from the heart of a patriotic poet. Poems here are the voices of historical time and reality reverberating through the slogans of humanity. Here as the lines grow stronger and stronger signifying the recurrence of hopeful harmony, the symbolic adventures of poetic diction lay in the fusion of revolutionary ideals and dreams. This book will let the readers realize how the heat of weapons needs to be subsided by the warmth of tears and how the somnolent rectitude of today’s world should be wide awakened by morality’s grace. Indeed, it’s time to store the fuel for Loulias’ Bunker!” _Munia Khan

  • EXECUTION DOCK by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    EXECUTION DOCK by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Horror Fantasy "EXECUTION DOCK by John E. WordSlinger is an arresting screenplay, very poetically written, which requires an audience to make moral judgments. The scenes in the story will remind us of a mixed theatricality of Shakespearean and Roman tragedy. Here the ambiguity of today’s world takes a psychological approach to the readers through the truthful reactions of characters. In this book, harrowing pictures of the dagger of darkness run through pages with rhythmic metaphorical movement; and Devil, Priest, Serpents, Dwarfs, Mermaids, Giants, Judge, Snails, Soldier, Knight, Bones and Humans all gather to create sequence of thoughtful events that leads us to an obvious answer where only interpretation from an honest heart belongs. The author’s poetical expertise emphasizes on our social diseases based on political, racial and theological eczema. Does devil win or is it the innocence of our souls: the ultimate winner? Inside our mind this amazing book will disinter it all." _Munia Khan...

  • TH'PAXSTERS  (aka th'kissers of peace/Peace Kissers) by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    TH'PAXSTERS (aka th'kissers of peace/Peace Kissers) by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Action Romance The hunt for Jesse James gold, to pay for many debts. Their team is world wide, and they make the Hermitage, the Home of Andrew Jackson, the new Capital of the World. Link to Look Inside

  • TIME KIN (Callusandrix) by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    TIME KIN (Callusandrix) by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Action Horror Harold is a Mastermind Ghost & Poltergeist Trainer and Electronic Saboteur in a modern world gone to the digital dogs. Link To Look Inside Link To Book Trailer 1 Link to Book Trailer 2

  • FOUR HORSES & NO MEN by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    FOUR HORSES & NO MEN by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Action Horror The Horses emerged from the depth of the ocean during the churning of the oceans, and the turning oceans slowly turned to blood. The Horses swam to follow a moonbeam to a meadow, and once upon the meadow lands they all four vomited, they became sick from being half flesh and half of the fire spirit. Their empathy and sympathy also was spewed upon the prairie. Memory rambling went on in the minds of the four Horses as they recalled their duties. The land of bleeding: Imagery came to them from around the globe, people killing over food, everywhere. Humanity turned into animals, cannibals. Diseases!! Animals and Mammals turn on man... Rapid, rapid, rapid. And the Horses vomited again, thus the brilliant gold crown which is the suns rays of re-birth illuminated, shined on the schools of dolphins racing through the sea, and humanity swimming for their lives, if they where near any kind of water, they surely were, because even Catfish was on the prowl. Dolphins used humans as recreational balls all through the sea, and blood sporting it was the Horses thought, it would be nice aqua valley ball skull. The tables of the world, humanity's world-tables was turned and broken. The invisible time zone cage was finally worthless. Link To Look Inside Link to Book Trailer


    THE ASYLUM COOK AND THE WEATHER WOMAN Comedy Drama I am Brindley and this be Laurie and we are the Boggs. I fight Mental Illness Stigma, and She fights for Solutions on Climate Change…~John E Wordslinger’s The Asylum Cook And the Weather Woman is an outstanding screenplay, giving an equal depth of life to all characters including the central characters, Brindley & Laurie : a young couple who represents the struggling beings of modern days. The variety of thoughts here is eclectic. This book allegorically shows how life is the weather itself and how we don’t need to be at an insane asylum to become crazy by walking over the thin thread of our sanity, just a windy storm of everyday life is enough… Here, the life of Laurie with her tears of joy wishing to hold her baby daughter brings ‘Faith’ of living in hope to all of us. Author Wordslinger’s wonderful depiction truthfully presents us that there is darkness all around us, but there is also an exit made of light to escape the dark. Indeed the moment of illumination in the end invites the audience to stay positive in any kind of social approach in today’s world.  _Munia Khan

  • STARKILL: My Poetic Body Langauge by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    STARKILL: My Poetic Body Langauge by John O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Mystery An Interrogation: WordSlinger has experienced and cheated death many times. He found the location of Jesse James Gold, traveled time, and saved lives. He is a Paxster, a Super Poet, furthermore he trained Harold the Master poltergeist and ghost trainer. He co-created Begets of Autumn, and the Poets of Blood. He's founder of the Poetry E Train. He's a battle Angel fighting the good fight, and he's preparing for the supreme battle, and it has begun. He speaks of the poet and of the poem. Link to Look Inside Link to Book Trailer

  • SAM by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger

    SAM by John E. O'Hara aka John E. WordSlinger Drama A Story of a Dog, a Young Man, Family, and Time furthermore union, separation, reunion, growing up, survival. and being positive in negative situations.

  • TURN KEY  a screenplay #X  by John E. WordSlinger

    TURN KEY a screenplay #X by John E. WordSlinger Crime Western TURN KEY  a screenplay #X  by John E. WordSlinger CHINESE MEN, opium drug lords,   MATT HEMINGS, a mix breed, with auburn hair, and hazel eyes. He be Irish and American Native, although a red, white and blue just do the right dang thing will you kind of man, and he's a Great Spirit fearing man. People seemed to be afraid of his intelligence, the way he carries himself they'd say. He's a book and dirt road smart person, of course, he's a Wappelo-Hillbilly, and a new dam Yankee.   ASHER TOWNS, local contractor and lawyer. A solid man, clean cut, blue stern eyes, a glimpse of him you could tell, the man mastered the measuring stick, and a master of tools. As MATT looked at him, ASHER combed his mustache with his fingers, and then one knew, ASHER knew mankind, and mans laws.   BARBER LEWIS KELLS, a tall man, with a long face, and pouchy lips, furthermore his hair be red, bushy on the sides, and at top, his hair recedes, and his brown eyes were unlike any other person with brown eyes.   MRS. ELIZABETH GREENWOOD was THOMAS GREENWOODS wife, and he be the towns banker. The U.S.A. Banking officer. She be beautiful, with brown eyes and hair, that was always kept up, and pinned back. She be a trivia type of lady, everything touched her.   CHRISTINA BURZ, her hair braided beautifully like no other, with two rolls rolling back down the middle, way past her shoulder, and the sides of her hair be tightly pulled to the two rolls on each side. Her dress stopped above, covering her breasts and that was as high as the top of the dress went. Exposing her smooth skin, shoulders, and her luring neck.   BLACK SMITH FRANK LOCKWOOD, a blacksmith. He be a tall handsome man, with long dark hair, blue eyes, and a mustache that tops a smile that makes everyones day for them.   ELSY WHEELER, a seamstress. She be tall, with short dark hair, and deep dark eyes, furthermore held a stern beauty.   REX 'SPLINTER' WATERS, a short haired, clean shaven man. His stare was always the same, one brow up, that eye was his spear eye, and the other brow and eye was clearly looking directly to you, waiting for your defense. Seemed scary was fun to him.   DR. ZANE SHULE, a scary looking man,   SHERIFF PAUL WALLACE, an even more scary looking man,   HOTEL MAID MARCIA ROBBINS, a beautiful Spanish woman, curvy and short,   PRAIRIE MARY DIVIN, beautiful in every way, sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was a master at accents,   PREACHER DUNN, short and stocky, full of grace,   BANKER THOMAS GREENWOOD, a typical greedy bastard, with that I can take out a bank robber look,   FARMER CLAY PEABODY, a double crosser all around,   MR. TEMPLE, a big man, & SON-BYRON, a younger version of his father,   LESTER, a crazy and smart black man,   DR. PIERRE SAPPINGTON, a sharp dressed man,   SALVADOR, a big Hispanic with a star tattoo under his left eye,   ANTHONY, a big half breed American Native and Irish man, more threatening than Salvador once one looked closer at him.   FARMER WILLIAM CALL, a family man, stern and strong,   MARSHALL SKINNER, a tall, short blonde haired man with a trimmed thick mustache, once seen one could tell he was a man whom only resorted to violence when it was absolutely essential, but to be deadly efficient in its use as a last resort,   MARSHALL McDOWELL, a short stocky man, medium length dark haired man, with a goat-tee, once seen you could tell he was a worker, maybe a forty-niner, and seemed fearless, as though he has been shot a time or two,   SAMUEL SEATON, a bright feller, a Washington newspaper man,   SHAWNEE 1 RED MOON, a tall man with a mohawk,   SHAWNEE 2 BLACK HOOF, tall and stocky, with long hair,   The Coltsville Newspaper man writing obituaries. Available Soon!


    SANCTUARY OF AUTHENTICITY: THE ANGELS TUNING FORK screenplay XI by John E. WordSlinger Horror Historical We follow the life of Friar & Poet Thomas of Celano during 13'th century AD as he writes a hagiography about the life of Italian friar, deacon and preacher Francis of Assisi.


  • LATER: a post-apocalyptic thriller

    LATER: a post-apocalyptic thriller (2019 - 2020)
    Film by Dennis Preston Raider Completed my second acting scene as a Raider, in the up and coming film- "Later" is a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows the story of a brother and his sister. The story of how they find each other again after they grew apart in a world overrun by criminals. Their story is like countless others in the fact that they all have hardships, and the majority of them end far too soon. "Later" is a story about family, revenge, and blood. One that can be made into a template for every mother or father, brother or sister. This is a world where everyone's story starts anew. Usually beginning with someone running for their lives. LATER: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller - OFFICIAL TRAILER 2020

  • LATER: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

    LATER: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller (2019 - 2020)
    Film by Dennis Preston Banjo Man "Later" is a post-apocalyptic thriller that follows the story of a brother and his sister. The story of how they find each other again after they grew apart in a world overrun by criminals. Their story is like countless others in the fact that they all have hardships, and the majority of them end far too soon. "Later" is a story about family, revenge, and blood. One that can be made into a template for every mother or father, brother or sister. This is a world where everyone's story starts anew. Usually beginning with someone running for their lives. LATER: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller - OFFICIAL TRAILER 2020 Cast and Crew Live Stream Event Recorded Live - Later: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller LATER Behind the Scenes Montage 2020 Facebook Official Page

  • LATER: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

    LATER: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller (2019)
    Film by Dennis Preston Active Extra Genre Post Apocalyptic Thriller Starring Anjelica Masson Amanda Platt Dennis Preston Johnny Vermilye Rick Chandler Directed By Dennis Preston Written By Dennis Preston Produced By Dennis Preston

  • THE LAW OF MEN:  Iraq War Story (True Story)

    THE LAW OF MEN: Iraq War Story (True Story) (2013 - 2019)
    Drama by F.James Arnold & 477 Film Production (Crime) Police Officer An Iraq War Story (True Story)


    Film by Jordon St. Jean & Tyler Szarabajka Head Honcho Bad Guy Remnants by Jordon St. Jean & Tyler Szarabajka The basic premise is by 2026, COVID has evolved and brought the US population below 2 million, leaving only those with fresh antibodies alive. Those left are trying to rebuild some semblance of society and infrastructure.

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