I have an agent and I am focused on developing a Reality TV global franchise exploring Special Needs. The education, legal and medical systems, to name a few... are failing with the majority of our Special Needs population. In the midst of laughs and tears, I created a reality TV show that follows families of children with special needs, including my own..My reality TV show treatment, "Special Needs Chaotic Lives" explores what it's like for "special families to fight for their child(s) social, emotional, physical and academic needs. I created a YouTube channel to attract viewers and it needs a lot of work. I am in a battle with Fibromyalgia (or as I call it "Fibromyf@ckingalgia") and my 17 year old daughter is in her own battle with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which I call "CRaPS".. I am inviting ok asking you to join me in taking a stand for the Special Needs community in that they are not alone and the caregivers are not at fault for their passion in advocating, providing and keeping their loved ones safe academically, emotionally and socially... It takes a community to raise well adjusted children and provide for others who are "special" and it's just not getting done! These kids are our future leaders of our "free world"....I am determined to pull the curtain away and expose the societal weaknesses. Special Needs is one degree of separation, everybody on this site knows of somebody who is challenged with Special Needs, whether it be academic, physical or psychological etc..... and is not being socially embraced. I am also looking to get assistance with a semi-biographical sitcom I am developing that follows a Jewish family with a child with Special Needs. This sitcom promises to be relatable to viewers, raunchy and groundbreaking...Think Seinfeld+Everybody Loves Raymond+Parenthood..There IS a need so who wants to join me in these potential global franchises??
SUNY College at Oneonta
SUNY Morrisville State College