Nathan Oraker

Nathan Oraker


San Diego, California

Member Since:
September 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Nathan

Nate graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 2000 with a degree in Naval Architecture. He served 6.5 years on full time active duty and since has served regularly in the Navy Reserves on active duty. He has been on 8 deployments, 3 of which were to Iraq and 1 to Somalia. He is a Surface Warfare Officer with a wide range of military experience to include time with the Marines, Navy EOD, Coastal Riverine, and Naval Special Warfare. He is currently working on a Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Bethel Seminary in San Diego. For the last 6 years he has consistently taken creative writing classes as a hobby, eventually deciding to make a go at working towards a professional writing career. He continues to work on that.

Unique traits: I enjoy writing about my time in the military and delving into the heart of men amidst the masculine journey.






    ANBAR Budget: $5M - $10M | War In 2007, an immature Navy SEAL operator clashes with his Platoon Chief as their unit races to stop the vicious leader of an Al Qaida terrorist cell in Iraq. At stake is the mission, the lives of their teammates, and what it means to be a man.


    RIVERINE Budget: $5M - $10M | War A young naval officer must learn to lead a unit of inexperienced sailors on the Euphrates river during the height of the Iraq war, while fending off his pompous and arrogant commander from derailing the mission.


  • Los Angeles Cinefest - June - Finalist

  • Columbia Gorge International Film Festival - Official Selection


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