James Crompton

James Crompton

Actor, Casting Director, Director, Musician, Screenwriter and Songwriter

Auckland, New Zealand

Member Since:
October 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About James

As far as acting goes my biggest project is 3 Mile Limit in which I played Morrie, a member of the lead ensemble. It got nominated for over 16 international festivals and won awards in at least 7 of those. I have been in 3 films that have been to the Cannes film market. My self penned short "The Psychologist", a Monty Python/Benny Hill influenced piece got into some festivals worldwide. I also played David Attenborough in the acclaimed theatre show "Birds Of Paradise". I have been in over 16 Shakespeare productions and have been involved in many more theatre and film productions. My agent is Gail Cowan. Look for my album "The Karmic Loo" by Crompy on iTunes. There are also music videos on youtube. I have also published four poetry books "The Birth OF Spring", "In The Dead Of Winter", "The Leaves Of Autumn", "In The Heat Of Summer".

Unique traits: The Hole In My Chest I have a hole in my chest. In my youth it was the source of much astonishment - at primary school I was the circus freak; the other kids would point at it and stare. As I grew into teenage awkwardness - when boys’ minds become occupied with girls, swimming was a tender time. I would cross my arms to try and hide it from the world. This self-consciousness about my body image never allowed me to accept myself completely; to be completely comfortable with every part of me; to be comfortable...naked. University came along, and studying meditation meant that I could twist my negatives to positives; my weaknesses to strengths. The hole became something that made me different, unique. I would joke how God had made it so I could have chips and dips whilst lying on the beach. When I learnt Reiki though, I began to believe it could be altered - that if I did enough energy work on it, the bones would somehow fuse together and my chest would look normal, muscular even. My father had always been of the theory that I needed to breathe it out, and so would lecture me on how to fill up my lungs, so it would eventually expand out and dissipate. This was despite having the same genetic defect himself. Perhaps he had endured similar anguish because of it, and had not come to accept it fully either, and was projecting his fears onto me. Nevertheless, my attempts to fix it, were attempts to fix something I felt was still wrong with me. At times, I even felt that the hole in my chest was something to do with my heart - there perhaps because I had endured so many broken hearts; or because my heart wasn’t strong enough; because I thought too much; worried too much; was in my head too much; because I wasn’t brave enough. If I beat my chest and screamed and wailed, then the caught up emotion from my life and all past lives would be released, and my chest would heal. These days, I’m not sure how I feel about the hole in my chest. It is there - yes. It is different - yes. Is it wrong? Perhaps or perhaps not. But it doesn’t bother me so much either way. It is what it is. © James Crompton September 2010





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