NATE ROTHERMEL is a current undergraduate student studying Theatre at Albright College. Nate is a theatre artist: He loves to explore the world around him and collaborate with others using theatre as his artistic medium, always allowing for creative growth in the process. At Albright, Nate has participated as an actor in several productions, including his roles as Sebastian in Jeff Lentz’s original silent-opera, MAELSTROM, Professor in THE LESSON, and Merchant in THE MASQUE OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Nate has also participated in Yocum Institute's Shakespeare in the Park Productions, which include his roles as Claudio in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING , and Paris in ROMEO AND JULIET. Nate also performed at the 2014 Bucks County Playhouse Theatre Festival where he won the “Outstanding Featured Actor Award” for his performance of Dave in Tim Mogford’s original play, A DIP IN THE LAKE. Recently, Nate has been nationally recognized by the Kennedy Center for his performance of Sebastian in MAELSTROM, which was performed at the 2015 Regional Kenedy Center American College Theater Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. In addition, Nate has been nominated three times to compete in the Irene Ryan Competition at The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, and was a semi-finalist in the 2015 Regional Irene Ryan Competition. Nate also explores directing: He assistant-directed both V-DAY: A MEMORY, A MONOLOGUE, A RANT, AND A PRAYER at Albright, and THE SEUSSIFICATION OF ROMEO AND JULIET with Yocum Institute of the Arts. Nate also extends his theatrical skills to playwriting. Two of his ten-minute plays, WHEN YOU HEAR IT: PART 1, and SNOW, UNDERWEAR, and GLASSES, were performed at Albright College's Ten Minute Play Festival and 24 Hour Theater respectively. For more information, feel free to visit his website: .
National Award from Kennedy Center American Theatre Festival
Albright College