Photo by Chris Cowan
Trailer premiere of Robot Underdog's short film "Vigilantes" at YouTube Space LA
HBO miniseries "The Pacific"
Playing the jerk manager in Generation Awesome's web series "The Bartender Hates You"
Behind-the-scenes of Zombie 360 Experience with actor/singer Jason Miller, TV host Grant Imahara, and a stuntman. (I'm second in from the right)
YouTube Space LA Halloween 2014 with Project Greenlight directors Leo Kei Angelos and Kristen Brancaccio, musician Bonnie von Duyke, and a purple dragon
Production still from the sci-fi horror "Lost Time," opposite actor Luke Goss
Photo by Tony Chu
Premiere of sci-fi horror "Lost Time" with my DP and long-time friend, A.J. Rickert-Epstein.
Action hike with actress/director Kristen Brancaccio, stuntwoman Jessie Graff, and writer Curtis Waugh
Production still from the music video "Sharks" by Anna Renee
Headshot by Tony Chu
Behind-the-scenes of the short Hunger Games fan film "Mockingjay: Burn" by Leo Kei Angelos
Behind-the-scenes of Robot Underdog's short film "Vigilantes"