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Think-- Blues Brothers.
"Two washed-up failed recruits of marines, and failed FBI academy dropouts, join the IRS as special tax collecting special agents with hilarious results. The agents take things a bit too far, including taking the law into their own hands."
Two Marine Bootcamp failures, and FBI academy dropouts become the IRS's top Special investigative officers. And take their job of collecting money wayyyy....too seriously.
They not only take the law into their own hands.
But they make outlandish and hilarious claims of what the IRS can truly do.
Including: "You think the FBI is powerful, try giving me a ticket, and see how many donuts your fat ass can buy the next day with $1.25 cents. I dare you" - PIG
Cop- But you're a cop too?
IRS Agent- But not a traffic cop.
IRS AGENT- You think your thought? Cause you're a government employee who changes the law. Try telling your son, after he gets accepted to college, that you have .23 cents in the bank. I thought so.
IRS AGENT- To a gangster.
You think you're a gangster, shit. Wait till you get audited, and have to drive a go-kart for work, cause I reposed your car and your grannies wagon. Say something else, buster. I thought so. I'm the gangster, whos the gangster now?
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