Murray Frost

Murray Frost

Camera Operator, Cinematographer, Director, Director of Photography, Editor, Filmmaker, Screenwriter and Videographer

Ithaca, New York

Member Since:
November 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Murray

I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to New York in 2013. I have been a director and cinematographer of my own films since 2011 and have been growing in the film industry ever since.

I became a production assistant in 2013 on an independent feature film set with Standing Suns Productions filming In His Steps. This helped level out my foundation for making films and I learned a large amount of theory before I left New York to help with the production process in Colorado.

I proceeded to make more short films and testing techniques to further my knowledge of movie making.

2014 was the year I was on the set of Crystal Creek Media, filming Rather to Be Chosen. I largely helped with the camera operation, but was stationed in the sound recording department as the recorder. I learned a deeper understanding of cinematography and camera operation and found that I loved doing it. I proceeded to focus more on these departments after helping Daniel Knudsen (Director) to shoot the feature film.

After Rather to Be Chosen, I continued to produce my films and exploring new filmmakers on the internet and in person. Following other filmmakers such as Ryan Connolly, Andrew Kramer, Tom Antos, and many others is important to me.

In 2015, I started my website and produced a short film, I Love You More. I also started working with New Vine Media and helped produce music videos from start to finish.

I am excited for the future and love film with a passion! Since I started film, it has been a fun, but challenging way of making money and meeting new people and I wish to do it for the rest of my life.




  • I Love You More

    I Love You More (2015)
    Film (short) by MurrayFFilms / Murray Frost (Drama) Director/Director of Photography/Camera Operator/Writer/and Editor I Love You More shows the importance of a father`s love for his little girl who desperately wants to know that she is truly loved and accepted.


  • Reel CNY: A Festival of Shorts (First Place)

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