"#Hme #highmaintenancelifestyle #highmaintenance #mrhighmaintenance #yeafavoritesfavorite Live tonight at the Film networking event S/O #D&Bs #AdamondaCam..."
"The official #Theaterical #Commercial for #Touchedthefilm Directed by @TerranceTykeem Come check me out in Theaters in these select cities #Philadelphia..."
CHeck out the new Instagram 15 Sec. Touched Movie Trailer
This film is made up of 4-stories showing how countless individuals were able to over come and move forward upon being abused as children. It features a long list of familiar names and faces such as Actors, Athletes, Reality stars, and Recording Artist. The films subject matter has a built in audience of nearly a half a billion abuse survivors and with the help of its cast will do more than any other before it to attract a huge viewing audience and bring more awareness to the issue of Child Abuse.