Joyce Johnson

Joyce Johnson

Escape The Pain/CEO
Author, Playwright, Student and Voice Actor

Decatur, Georgia

Member Since:
November 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Joyce

My name is Joyce Johnson. I am an author who has just published a book called,We Made Lemonade. It is a true story about my first year in Atlanta Georgia. I was led to leave my home and job and travel to Georgia to start my ministry. I could have not predicted the tribulations that were waiting for me there. This book will make you laugh, cry and rejoice. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel as well as Kindle. It is also available on other book club sites such as Abel books. I also am writing a play called Celebrity Models of Atlanta. It is a drama and comedy combination. I have done voice over for school plays but would love to do it for television. I am fifty five years old and the mother of six grown children. I am a student studying to be a substance abuse counselor. I am very excited about this site and hope to get tips for public speaking as I am the CEO of a non-profit organization called ,"Escape the Pain". This is geared at prevention and awareness of Domestic Violence. I will upload a PDF of my book if anyone is interested in reading it and putting it into a film. I also see a stage play from the book. You can contact me with any comments.Overlook the typos, they are left in the book on purpose. I am not perfect and I wanted to convey that through my writting.I am down to earth and well overdue with the talent that I can offer to this world. I hope to hear from someone soon.This is my second book,since I wrote a children's book in 1992 called the Animal Market. My name was Joyce Wilkins at that time.

Unique traits: I am a ghost writer as well and can bring anyone's story to life. I am a quick study and love to learn new things. I am single and have lots of time to pursue my talents.




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