Currently 58 years old. Married 34 years. 3 sons all over 6ft 7. avid hunter and fisherman. Mechanical engineer by trade. I have been doing live theater since high school. Have been told by more people than I care to count that I look like Jerry Garcia of the dead. Enjoy the thrill of being on stage and am constantly looking for roles that get me out of my comfort zone. Big 3 stooges and Monty Python fan
Unique traits: looks like Jerry Garcia
fiddler on the roof
by Crescendo performing arts/ Tracy Berry
Christmas Carol
by Lewis family Playhouse/ Paul Jauques
Ghost of Christmas Present
peter pan
by crescendo theatrical productions/ tracy berry
bill jukes
jungle book
by Crescendo theatrical productions/tracy berry
guys and dolls
by cathedral/ mark hill
harry the horse
university of calif Irvine