Erdinc Turan's Lounge Discussions

Erdinc Turan
Welcome to TURKEY

( TURKISH REPUBLIC) is any body plan to shoot in my company this year. tell me your ideas. we are open to cooperate.

Anas Ahmad

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been diving into the world of screenwriting, and I’m particularly fascinated by Turkey’s unique cinematic storytelling, from its rich cultural narratives to it...

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Erdinc Turan

Have you ever work in TURKEY .( Cinema, Documentery , Commercial Shooting etc. ) if yes . What do you liked / what you dont ?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Erdinc - welcome to Stage 32. Don't mean to flip the script, but how about you? What do you dislike about working in Turkey? I'm guessing it's mostly good and you make sure that everyone's got what they need, but do you have any obstacles?

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Erdinc - We actually have an active group of Stage 32ers in Turkey if you'd like to connect with them:

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Erdinc Turan

Hi. Tomasz. Me personaly dont like promises or yes we can do it situations. Those are plus and minus in our country. + 1 we have realy good crew and equipment with long experience. + Realy good locati...

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Tomasz Mieczkowski

Indeed. I can see how such promises can piss some people off if you can't deliver - I get that. I haven't been to Antalya this century, haha, saying this makes me feel old, but I remember that I loved...

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