Kim Strickland-Sargent is the author of two novels, "Wish Club" and "Down at the Golden Coin," and has written four TV pilots and one screenplay. She received a degree in Journalism with minors in English and French, but that was a really, really long time ago. Her day job is 767 Captain for a major airline.
Unique traits: My day job is flying jets.
The Lady Birds Comedy After an airline pilot inherits a struggling flight school and its misfit crew of female instructors, she fights to save it in order to preserve her family's legacy and salvage her recently damaged reputation.
Down at the Golden Coin: Quarterfinalist ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Contest
The Lady Birds: Fresh Voices Spotlight Award - Best Role Written for a Leading Woman
The Lady Birds: Quarterfinalist, The Film Empire's Diversity Mentorship for Screenwriters
The Lady Birds: Quarterfinalist, The Script Lab Free Screenplay Contest
The Lady Birds: Semifinalist ScreenCraft Pilot Launch TV Script Contest
The Lady Birds: Semifinalist NYC International Screenplay Awards
The Lady Birds: Semifinalist Chicago Screenplay Awards
The Lady Birds: Semifinalist Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards TV Pilot
Wish Club: Quarterfinalist ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Contest
The Lady Birds: Quarterfinalist BlueCat Screenplay Competition, 30-minute TV Pilot
Second City, Chicago