Christopher Meier

Christopher Meier


Denver, Colorado

Member Since:
January 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Christopher

Ciao, alternatively, howdy,
My name is Christopher Meier, I graduated from a well ranked and regarded law school, hated it, and learned to write scripts.

I have several projects I'm working on. Now, I'm promoting a pilot script for a one hour comedy/drama about the complicated lives of Washington, DC lobbyists, and Washington's natural resource: money.

I'm interested in pitching and representation. I'm seeking support for a marketing plan, which I am more than happy to discuss.

My long term goals are to see my pilot on TV, to break into TV writing, and to write great stories. I'd love to connect.

Unique traits: Experience working in Washington DC, naturally funny, avid cyclist, tall, and professional.




  • The Lobby

    The Lobby Comedy Drama “Each time a lobbyist or special interest makes a political contribution to a public servant, a debt is created- -lobbyists are very adept at collecting these debts.” -Jack Abramoff

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