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By Tom Stohlgren

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

When a modern-day pirate history tour guide’s catamaran collides into Blackbeard’s ghost ship, he must defeat his nemesis Calico Jack, and find true love and a treasure as a pirate in 1717, or he can never return to the present.


Captain TEDDY TEACH (30s) is a comical and irresponsible pirate history tour guide for drunken tourists on his catamaran in the Caribbean. His ex-wife SHANTELL (30s, a fiery black woman) wants her alimony, he’s broke, and his three-day-old beard is prematurely gray. His life changes when he finds a stowaway claiming to be MARY READ (20s), an English pirate from 1717. She hits him over the head with a fire extinguisher as his catamaran collides the Blackbeard’s “ghost ship,” or so he thinks.

He awakens, naked in the Captain’s Quarters of the Queen Anne’s Revenge. He finds BLACKBEARD (30s) is gone, but his female hostage, Irish pirate ANNEY BONNEY (20s), is angry and tied to a post. She assumes Teddy killed Blackbeard and took his ship, but that he’ll soon be dead when her husband, feared pirate CALICO JACK (30s), rescues her. To keep Teddy alive temporarily to aid her escape, she gives him a respectable nickname for a cutthroat pirate: Silverbeard! Teddy gains the respect of Blackbeard’s first mate, a deep-voiced muscleman named ISRAEL HANDS (30s), who also assumes Silverbeard killed Blackbeard. However, Blackbeard is alive and well on Teddy’s catamaran in the present day with Mary.

Everyone’s answers seem to lie with MADAM SCHMADAM (30s; Shantell in 1717 costumes), a fortune teller at the Grog and Grill, a pirate hangout. We discover Mary is Calico Jack’s missing “cabin boy,” who dressed like a man, Larry, to become a pirate. Silverbeard is compelled to ransom Anney for Calico Jack’s treasure, despite being smitten with her. Mary and Anney are desperate to return to Calico Jack, while Blackbeard and Teddy are desperate to return to their former lives. And Blackbeard is more miserable than Teddy as a pirate history tour guide.

Mary, dressed as Larry, gravitates to Blackbeard, but Shantell, who is also aboard the catamaran, begins to suspect they killed Teddy. Stuck in 1717, Teddy sees no way to get “back” until Blackbeard hits Mary on the head with a fire extinguisher and sends her back in time from the catamaran to Blackbeard’s quarters. Meanwhile, Calico Jack abducts Anney from the Grog and Grill, so Teddy plans the ultimate showdown -- a great sword fight on the beach with Calico Jack to win his treasure: Anney. Calico Jack gets the best of Teddy until Blackbeard appears on the beach clutching a fire extinguisher. He helps Teddy defeat Calico Jack and claim his treasure, while Blackbeard reunites with Mary/Larry. But our story is far from over. Teddy’s ultimate plan is to return to the present with his new and dearest friends. The spectacular story twists at the end ensure a happy ending for all!


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Shahriar Bourbour

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Shahriar Bourbour

Great logline. Maybe specify who/what is stopping him to return to the present, as in, who's the antagonist. There's Blackbeard, but it's not clear if Blackbeard is the antagonist, and how is he in the way of the tour guide.

Tom Stohlgren

great suggestion, Shahriar. I'll work on it!

Tom Stohlgren

Proposed Revised Logline: When an irresponsible pirate history tour guide’s catamaran collides into Blackbeard’s ghost ship, he must avoid his nemesis Calico Jack, and find true love and a treasure as a pirate in 1717, or he can never return to the present. What do you think, Shahriar? Others?

Rutger Oosterhoff

Forget the "irresponsible." Makes the line too complicated. Also the word "avoid" makes the hero at best "inactive." Sure he wants to avoid Calico, but at some point, he will be forced to "face" (active) him! "Who" must he really face/"what" must he really "do"... to get back to the present?! If that is only Calico, then "true love and treasure" is for the story... and logically what else can he become than a "pirate" to face Calico.

"When a pirate history tour guide’s catamaran collides into Blackbeard’s ghost ship and (is) send to 1717, he must defeat his nemesis Calico Jack or he can never return to the present."

I would also post the logline on , Tom, and see what they suggest.

Tom Stohlgren

great ideas Rutgar -- you are great!

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