Parker Scoggins

Parker Scoggins


Little Rock, Arkansas

Member Since:
February 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Parker

Hello, I'm currently a student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I'm majoring in Psychology with a minor in Health Services but I'm planning on changing to a minor in Mass Communications.

I plan on changing my minor because of my increasing interest/desire to begin working in the Film Industry. Writing, filming and directing movies has been a monumental interest to me my entire life. I was one of the kids that always wanted to get my friends or siblings together on the weekends and collaborate ideas and concepts and then record the humorous attempt at acting out these ideas. Not to say we were bad actors but let's be honest, there's a certain nostalgic charm to home movies. And the dreams that went hand in hand with this creative process is still very much alive today.

The main deterrent to my advance into the industry was simply a lack of knowing how to insert myself into the business. Now that I've come across Stage 32 I hope to interact with some of the members and learn strategies to make my dreams and lofty goals a reality. I want to get to a point to where I can turn back around and help people in my status someday.

So with all that being said, if you happen to stumble across my page, and you're still reading, please feel free to comment or introduce yourself, the sooner the better! If anyone has some words of wisdom for me, I'll gladly listen and appreciate any time you've spent on my page.



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