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By Timothy Christopher Teemal

GENRE: Action

A former secret service agent, slumming as a security guard, risks everything to save a famous songstress, from those bent on causing her harm.


A disgraced former secret service agent, finds a reason to continue living, when he takes up an offer, to help protect a famous songstress.

He foils a robbery, and saves the songstress, but is implicated in an intricate plot to do the songstress harm.

Winning her trust and catching her eye, he eventually clashes with her head of security, when he once again foils an attack on the songstress.

Their bonds and fates sealed, after she fires almost all close to her, he leads her security team, until he is forced to kidnap her to best protect her, after she comes under attack by a mercenary well known to him.

Ferreted away on home territory, he sets a trap which eventually unmasks her true attacker.

After taking a bullet for her, and killing her attacker, he gives up a chance at reinstatement into the secret service, to become her full time... BODYGUARD.

Timothy Christopher Teemal

Thanks Pemela.

Shawn M Decker

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