Thanks for connecting. Warm regards from Israel.
Welcome Robin. Wasn't logging into Stage 32. Looking forward to being in touch
Hello, there Stage32 community!
I have been a member of the site since 2012, but haven't been active at all. I'm the Chief Film Critic for Dawn Icon (previously Images) the Dawn Group of Newspapers for the last fifteen years (more or less), having written nearly a 1000 reviews for the paper. Am also...
Expand postHello, there Stage32 community!
I have been a member of the site since 2012, but haven't been active at all. I'm the Chief Film Critic for Dawn Icon (previously Images) the Dawn Group of Newspapers for the last fifteen years (more or less), having written nearly a 1000 reviews for the paper. Am also the one to introduce the Oscar Prediction trend in the country. Had co-hosted a morning show for ARY News, a prominent news channel in Pakistan.
Been on the jury of two film festivals (PiFF - Pakistan International Film Festival and Cineaste One; the latter for three years). Consulted on a number of domestic and international motion pictures (our latest one is set to release March 2019). Recently produced an animated movie review show titled: MKJ and the Movies (first ep can be found here...though, it is in Urdu Looking forward to being a part of this community. Thanks :)
Hi Kamran. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the...
Expand postHi Kamran. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the community by inviting at least 5 fellow creatives. Check out Invite friends to Stage 32 on the upper right side of your profile. Thanks for being a part of this most talented and inspiring community. PS - Be sure to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @Stage32online.
Hey Kamran, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments!
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Welcome Rashi. Likewise!