Are you able to travel to Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada? Well, then I have the perfect job for you! Please visit the Rebuilding: the factory movie page to apply...
Are you able to travel to Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada? Well, then I have the perfect job for you! Please visit the Rebuilding: the factory movie page to apply...
He everyone, this is my first time introducing myself. I am a 14 year old director and actor. I am probably going to mostly shoot short films. Since I live in a small town, it gives me lots of options for shooting scenes because I know a lot of people. I have just recently released the details for m...
Expand postHe everyone, this is my first time introducing myself. I am a 14 year old director and actor. I am probably going to mostly shoot short films. Since I live in a small town, it gives me lots of options for shooting scenes because I know a lot of people. I have just recently released the details for my first movie. I currently do not have a crew but would love to have one. I have enjoyed getting to network with lots of people and enjoy talking with people who share the same interests with me. If you could use my help, I would be glad to help. Please don't be scared to contact me. :) Hope you all have a great day.
Hi Brandon, great to have you on the site! Small towns definitely have their advantages that way :-) Best of luck!
This section is for discussion on the business and craft of acting, Brandon. Moved to My Stage for now, but if you have a casting call, please post it in our JOBS section. Thanks.