Brandon Medd's Lounge Discussions

Brandon Medd
Actor's wanted!!

Are you able to travel to Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada? Well, then I have the perfect job for you! Please visit the Rebuilding: the factory movie page to apply...

Richard "RB" Botto

This section is for discussion on the business and craft of acting, Brandon. Moved to My Stage for now, but if you have a casting call, please post it in our JOBS section. Thanks.

Brandon Medd
Hello Stage 32!

He everyone, this is my first time introducing myself. I am a 14 year old director and actor. I am probably going to mostly shoot short films. Since I live in a small town, it gives me lots of options for shooting scenes because I know a lot of people. I have just recently released the details for m...

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Dara Taylor

Hi Brandon, great to have you on the site! Small towns definitely have their advantages that way :-) Best of luck!

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