Betsy Gilbert is a writer and editor with experience and expertise spanning book, film, television, magazine and marketing communications projects.
As a creative writer, Gilbert has written film and television scripts and books, and has co-written, ghostwritten and edited/rewritten screenplays, as well as books of fiction and non-fiction. One fiction title was published in 2007, two non-fiction titles were published in 2009, one non-fiction title launched in July of 2013, two fiction titles were published in late 2013 and a ghostwritten memoir launched in April of 2014. Another ghosted memoir is slated for launch in July of 2016. Two original screenplays have been optioned by a Los Angeles production company, a three-part miniseries adapted from a novel has been optioned by a Los Angeles/New York producer and a work-for-hire "script doctored" screenplay is in production negotiation. Two sitcom pilots are also in production negotiation.
As an independent writer and editor, Gilbert has produced articles for a broad range of business, consumer and industry-specific publications. Many were ghostwritten or edited and published under the bylines of corporate executives while many more were published under Gilbert's byline. As a contract corporate writer, she has written copy for print and broadcast ads, brochures, videos and web sites for both Fortune 500 and start-up companies in a range of industries.
Previously, Gilbert was an account executive/writer with Purdom Public Relations in San Francisco and a communications specialist with both Memorex Corporation in Santa Clara, CA and South Central Bell's Louisiana headquarters in New Orleans. She holds a B.A. in journalism from Louisiana Tech and pursued post-graduate studies in communications at Loyola University.
Unique traits: I love new places and faces and lived in many U.S. cities before discovering the wonders of tiny (population: 2500) Glen Rose, Texas, a Shangri-La for writers, artists and musicians. My screenwriting work--primarily as a ghost or collaborator--has allowed me to meet interesting people throughout the world and I always look forward to the next adventure (in writing and in life).