Cristi Rumpza is a dark comedy writer from the sprawling, passive-aggressive planes of the midwest. She founded Girls Aren’t Funny Productions, where she co-wrote and co-directed a pilot that premiered at the New York Television Festival (2018). She holds a degree in Cinematography and has a background working in production for companies that include: Cracked, College Humor, and ABC. As a writer, Cristi was a second-rounder at Austin Film Festival (2020) and a quarterfinalist at the Stage 32 Comedy Writing Contest (2020). In her earlier career, Cristi worked as a juvenile corrections officer so she can also diffuse a fistfight, should one arise. Her background in social services contributes to the trademark unsavory yet relatable nature of her characters, putting the audience in a position to examine their own belief systems through laughter. In her free time, Cristi enjoys volunteering for Best Friend’s Animal Society and advocating for animals via shaming others on Facebook.
VOMO: Vote or Miss Out
Script and Continuity Department
TV Series
Additional Crew
Book Nite
Cross Stitch
TV Movie
Twin Cities
Editorial department
After Hours
TV Series
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
CollegeHumor Originals
TV Series
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Help Desk
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
Additional Crew
Playing with Dolls
Christmas Spirit
Visual effects
Citizen 'Caine
Sound department
The Artifice and the Wile
Additional Crew
Austin Film Festival - Second Rounder
Stage 32 Comedy Writing Contest - Quarterfinalist
New York Television Festival - Official Selection
10,000 Laughs Comedy Film Festival - Best Film
48 Hour Film Festival - Best Acting Ensemble, Best Hair/Makeup, Best Costumes
Minneapolis Community and Technical College - Cinema Division
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities