I am a writer since...well, since forever. I suffer from reverse paranoia. I suspect people are trying to make me happy. I have posted a number of works, and I have more, and if you have an idea you wish to explore, contact me. I write whenever and wherever I can.
OUT OF TIME Sci-fi A Woman goes back in time to give birth to the man who will invent time travel.
HERO (short) Drama :To impress his girlfriend, a man hires a thug to attack them.
A CURE FOR LONELINESS (short) Drama A psychiatrist tries to find a way to overcome modern loneliness.
HESHOTKA Horror :A group of strangers assembles at a cabin deep in the woods with the promise of rewards, only to find themselves slain one by one.
A MERRY WIDOW Drama An alcoholic woman marries alcoholic men for fun and profit.
BILLY Comedy A wannabe writer discovers a script that he claims as his own, only to lead to complications when a second blockbuster is demanded.
BAD BARGAIN Thriller To save his wife, an award winning writer makes a pact with a demon whose terms create a living hell.
PRETENSE Thriller Hired by a beautiful woman to find her husband, a detective reenters a world he swore he would never see again.
DUMBER Drama A incredibly intelligent young woman must choose between love and intelligence.
LAST GOOD SUMMER Drama An ensemble of teen caddies spend a last summer of innocence before they enter the adult world.
MALUS Horror A group of businessmen tour a mothballed Air Force base and encounter a strange, hungry demon.
METHUSALAH Thriller An elite Air Force security team compromises the wrong secret site and sets loose an avalanche of death.