Joe Cempa, Esq.
Joe Cempa is an internationally published journalist, photographer and poet. His work has appeared in numerous publications across the globe. He now resides in Oklahoma with his love, life, Muse and partner, Vernadene. Together they share life and love and raise Joe’s sixteen-year=old-daughter and attempt to instill guidance of all that’s real and important into her young mind. But he lives and works, and try’s to pay bills; try’s to write and hold down a reality of normalcy. He writes of the inner strife of life, a world most don’t know of. A book of poetry and prose, “Running from the Madness to the Insane” is soon to be hopefully published; first book of poetry to be sold in bookstore and liquor stores.
Cempa is a wandering catastrophe of inner demons that he keeps at bay with words that confuse at times-- a happy fool, a drunken sot, exact opposite of “humanity’s lot.” He listens and SEES the real all of what’s really THERE, and not there. Finds the people and the stories of the lost, and especially those who wish not to be found. Because there not “lost,” we all are. VERNADENE OSBORNE, Artist, Designer
Unique traits: Excellent Documentary Photography skills, Research to locate anything or anyone, Linguist, published author/journalist/ poet.
People Magazine On TV
by People Magazine
Asst. Producer Segment on popular show that covered non-Celeb stories that had appeared in People.
The piece was based on an eight-page story I had written about Klamath National Forrest Gold Miners who were being forced off their claims and evicted from their homes by the US Forrest Service-despite those claims being completely legal.
California Small Press Award 1992--article about construction of Pelican Bay State Prison.
Southern New Hampshire University
Rose State College
College of the Redwoods