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By Thomas Schoch

GENRE: Comedy

Like the ancient philosophers at the Agora in Greece, three broke Canadian comedians hooked on the fumes of fame live and muse a truth stranger than fiction. Only this isn’t Athens, it’s L.A., so it’s super weird.


Following in the footsteps of legends Jim Carrey, Norm Macdonald, and Catherine O’Hara three Canadian comics with a friendship forged on the road had a simple plan: combine forces and finances, and fight like hell to make it in L.A.

That suits the talented and raw CLAIRE SEARY just fine. She’d rather slug it out in the clubs of L.A than go back to the life of a “skeet” in St. John’s, Newfoundland, where all she learned was to drink, fight, steal and drink some more.

But her Canuck roommates aren’t as scrappy. GUY ROBICHAUD is as gorgeous and unpredictable as the Newfoundland weather, and the naïve and enthusiastic JOSH FRIEDMANN is suddenly so reluctant he was deported to L.A. by his family, with no funds to boot.

With the California dream on life support, Claire is forced to strike a deal with their opportunistic landlord, FITZY, stuck in a slum-lord nightmare with her own fantasies of fame.

Their apartment, lovingly dubbed the North Pole, is rent free if they handle the day-to-day dirty work at her properties, owned by Fitzy’s overbearing grandmother, LOU.

Knee deep in low-income personalities and their problems (plumbing or otherwise) these three CANUCKS plunge deep into reality, flushing their old worldviews and comic routines while clogging their path to success with their relationships.

Fitzy, with her charm and West Adams street smarts, is the Canucks best chance to jump the fence into Tinsel-town but her temper and mental toughness are often tested.

At the end of season one, their comical mismanagement of the properties sparks season two when a fierce fire claims the North Pole, casting them all onto the street.

At the same time, Claire’s potential and boldness reels in a major talent management offer but it means leaving Fitzy and her friends, the very people that kept her afloat, stranded.

Faced with the impossible choice between friendship and fame, her feelings for Josh complicate matters further. His genuine, disarming nature is as hard to ignore as her lingering concerns about his increasingly erratic behaviour. There is something there, but for Claire a career is freedom and love is an anchor. When she tells Josh as much, he spirals out of control.

Addicted to the invincibility and fearlessness of performing while heavily medicated Josh finds nothing numbs the pain of rejection. It leaves Josh strung out on pills, broke, broken-hearted and ready to implode.

Unexpected fatherhood and fame finds Guy when his estranged daughter invokes in him an exuberant curiosity that morphs into a growing role as children’s YouTube star, “Philippe”.

Fitzy, used to managing sketchy characters, struggles with the baffling behaviour of a bourgeoning star, a depressed drug addict, and a freaked out new father. Cast out of her Grandmother Lou’s empire after the blaze, she’s truly on her own for the first time.

With the walls of responsibility, addiction and stardom closing in, these Canucks find out California and the comedy scene can be as desolate and unforgiving as a Canadian winter without the help of a few friends.


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