Miguelito Acosta's Lounge Discussions

Miguelito Acosta
Vermelho Brasil - June 5th in Brazil

http://youtu.be/T0zZ5qB5zwQ Greetings friends! The international epic "Vermelho Brasil" premieres June 5th in cinemas. Film directed by Sylvain Archambault and starring Stellan Skarsgard, Joaquim de Almeida, Miguelito Acosta and great cast. The production is a partnership between Conspiração Filmes,...

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Aron Future

Hi Miguelito Thanks for add. AF

Steven Pock

Hi Miguelito! Thanks for the add, such an honor! SP

Jennifer Lynn

Good luck with all your projects in 2014.

Theo Perry

Great! #Continue2Shine

Miguelito Acosta

Thanks and Welcome Jennifer and Theo. It is a pleasure have you here my friends. Hugs and success for you. We keep in touch.

Miguelito Acosta
My Facebook

Hi my dear friends Visit and add my Facebook pages http://www.facebook.com/actormiguelitoacosta http://www.facebook.com/fanpagemiguelitoacosta Thank you and fraternal hugs...

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Miguelito Acosta
Hello my friends.

By chance has anyone here at Stage 32, who works at the creation of the characters from Marvel Studio?

JR Olivero

DC Comics - The Phantom. See Douglas Klauba at http://douglasklauba.com/book_gallery.php

Miguelito Acosta

Thank you for your statement my friend. I have a big project in mind that would like to send to Marvel, or maybe get a partnership to create an educational game for all ages.

Miguelito Acosta
My Facebook Page

Greetings my friends. Visit and add my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/fanpagemiguelitoacosta Fraternal hugs

Miguelito Acosta
Vermelho Brasil - Estréia em Portugal

O Filme Vermelho Brasil o qual eu participei, estreou Domingo dia 3 de Março em Portugal na RTP1 ás 22 horas. E uma das mais arrojadas séries televisivas sobre o inicio da colonização do Brasil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01wxswn8yIs...

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Mark Ratering

English baby!!!!

Beka I Am

you must be soooo excited and proud! :D

Miguelito Acosta
Vermelho Brasil - Reportagem RTP

O Filme Vermelho Brasil o qual eu participei, estreou Domingo dia 3 de Março em Portugal na RTP1 ás 22 horas. E uma das mais arrojadas séries televisivas sobre o inicio da colonização do Brasil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvL-Qlf5J64...

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Miguelito Acosta
Rouge Brésil - Movie

The Movie Rouge Brésil that I worked debut in France next week day 22 http://www.programme-tv.net/videos/bandes-annonces/11818-rouge-bresil/

Miguelito Acosta
Happy new year

I wish all my dear brothers and friends from all over the world. A happy and prosperous New Year with good health, peace, love and success, and that all your dreams are realized, and that you and all your beloved family are very happy, and that the year 2013 is a blessing from God to all of us. Frat...

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Miguelito Acosta
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear friends.

I wish all the best to you and all your beloved family, and may God bless us always richly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AMnATTNx9tY Visit and add my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/actormiguelitoacosta http://www.facebook.com/fanpagemiguelitoacosta Fraternal Hugs - M...

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Miguelito Acosta
Greetings my dear friends

I thank all of you for joining my network And I ask that you watch the teaser of the film Rouge Brésil that I participate with the actors Joaquim Almeida, Stellan Skarsgard and great cast, and it debuts later this year in Europe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7llCjAeCtkQ&feature=plcp And please add...

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David LaPan

Tweeted this!!! I hope you have a great weekend.

Cat Collins

This looks great! I can't wait to see the full movie.

Cindy Myskiw

Alan >> I would but I live in the rural area of Manitoba and am 2 hours from the nearest anything...lol

Chris Karel

I want to see more - when will it be available in the US

Lorraine Eubank

Wow! I want to see it!

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