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By Adam Washington

GENRE: Thriller, Drama

A cold-hearted drifter with a secretive past and a grief-stricken runaway must embark on a mission of hope, redemption, and even vengeance against the despicable people who destroyed their lives years ago.

Nate Rymer

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Angela Cristantello

I like so much about this, Adam! I'd like to know more about what this actual mission is, though & what the inciting incident is that sent them on this journey. And why do they have to do this now? What is the "or else" in it for them in this moment if their lives were already destroyed years ago?

Adam Washington

Thank you for your feedback, Angela

I'm still breaking down these elements at the moment since this is a revised idea from another one I created sometime in the 2010s. But, I can answer the inciting incident part, which involves the drifter meeting the runaway through a semi-chaotic encounter and realizing that she's in trouble with the same people who ruined him years ago. From there, they form this strong connection that motivates them to fight back against their enemies and rebuild their lives, so to speak.

Nathaniel Baker

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Rob Walker

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