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By Rutger Oosterhoff

GENRE: Crime

Identical twin sisters who moonlight as violent vigilantes must outwit a vengeful copycat who framed them for murdering students on a college campus in Austin, Texas.


Opening scene: University of Texas campus grounds, A janitor finds a young male student, strangled to death, in the shower room of the gymnasium. The word “GUILTY” has been spray-painted with a stencil on his forehead. A group of young punks are assaulting a homeless man in an alley. One by one they’re knocked out by a blinding shadow. The rescuer spray‑paints “GUILTY” on their foreheads. The homeless man is given some money and utters, “It’s you... The Gavel.”

Later, back at their apartment, KATHRYN (mid‑20’s, intelligent, reserved) and MEGAN (mid-20’s, outspoken, witty) strip off their ninja outfits, muscles, and scars. The news reports about the series of “GUILTY” criminals subdued by The Gavel and the first murdered committed on the University of Texas campus, “The Gavel, friend or foe?”

To search for suspects, the twins enroll in the college late in the semester, investigating the criminology class the murdered male student was taking. The teacher lecturing the class is MR. HAMILL, (late- 40’s, stern, sarcastic) the subject is “vigilantism”. He illustrates how when one person takes the law into their own hands, the justice system will root them out as a criminal too. Megan and Mr. Hamill get into a heated discussion about vigilantism and the death of the recent student. She and Kathryn are both dropped from the class but find leads on suspects in the classroom. As the twins do surveillance, scratching suspects off their list they both get flashbacks of their disturbing childhood upbringings.

Flashback: Kathryn and Megan’s eighth birthday, A SWAT team raids the house and arrests Jake and Karen, charges of multiple murders. Their parents abducted them at infancy and were serial killers at large for many years. Police officers take the girls into their custody and place them in a Catholic orphanage in the mountains of Colorado ran by a wickedly cruel nun. They are repeatedly tortured along with the other girls over the years. The twins' 16th birthday, the head nun decides to make them pure in the eyes of the Lord and arranges for them to have their virginity taken by a priest. The twins kill both the nun and the priest and escape setting all the other orphans free. They struggle to survive in the snowy forest until rescued by SAMUEL (late‑40’s, burly, hermit). He takes them in.

Present Day: The twins have narrowed down their suspects to a girl on the swim team but when Kathryn follows her to her dorm she is thrown off the balcony by The Gavel copycat. An intense chase ensues across the campus only to lose the suspect but discover a revealing facial detail that leaves only one person to be the murder...


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Ginger Gilley

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Rutger Oosterhoff

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Nate Rymer

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Nate!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks B A!

Rutger Oosterhoff


Tasha Lewis

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks for rating Efrain!

Sean Milligan

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Sean!

Steph West

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Volkan (Walkie ) Durakcay

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Claude, Steph, and Volkan for rating!

Jim Boston

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Jim!

Ta'Zhanek A. Jackson

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Ta'Zhanek for rating!

Grant Wiggins

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks Grant!

Mirella Muffarotto

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Jane Tumminello

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks for rating Jane!

Bobby G

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Richard Buzzell

Sounds completely twisted - just the way I like it.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Worked very hard on it, Richard. There were a lot of inconsistensies in it. Especially "who knows who and how. Solved most of them by Sallie Olson helping me. If you want to read the just updated version and tell me what you think of it, that would be great!

Tucker Teague

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Thanks for rating Tucker!

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