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A sweet, naïve man-child with a lifelong dream of becoming a theme park character lands a dream job as the beloved Panda at a rundown amusement park, only to be thrown into a world of debauchery, crime, and danger after discovering the park is a front for organized crime—and he’s their new drug mule. ("Barry" meets "Adventureland")
After a series of distressing incidents, beginning at the tender age of four with Uncle Chuckles the Laughing Hyena and culminating with a beat down by the girls’ high school field hockey team while dressed as a giant seagull, Gern Simchuk’s lifelong dream of becoming a Theme Park Character has been crushed.
However, after years of denying his passion, a chance encounter with Daisy Von Shmitten, AKA Bucky the Beaver – the oddly alluring beaver mascot at a run-down Amusement Park – inspires Gern to pursue the opportunity of a lifetime and give the fun-fur one more try.
But all is not as it appears beneath the cute, fluffy exterior. Run by a fledgling wannabe Mobster, the park – already a bastion of drugs and fetishism – also turns out to be a money-cleaning front for illicit activity. And when Gern becomes an unwitting drug mule, he finds himself navigating a world of debauchery and danger, all culminating in a life-threatening soccer match, in this otherwise cute and furry tale of theme park mascots.
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Wow... this has everything :) Very unique
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I wanna see this movie, Dale Wolfe! One TINY suggestion for the logline: Remove the second "dream" because we already know from "lifelong dream of becoming a theme park character that landing a job as Panda would be his dream job. You can just put "lands a job as the beloved Panda at a rundown amusement park."
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Thanks for the ratings and comments, everyone. Much appreciated (and apologies for the delay - just getting on top of S32 navigation :)
1 person likes this
its an orignal idea. I wanted to read more. And if it was ion TV I would totally watch it.
You're welcome, Dale Wolfe.