Ron begins feeling the real pressure of getting married while contemplating his future wife's true intentions. Short Scene I wrote a while back. Except for Sera Performing and harassing me to shoot this I did everything by myself. This is just for fun. We just did this with cameras on tripods so it was very amateurish. I originally wrote this for Anja Meyer but we weren't able to make time before she moved to Australia. Changed "Germany" to "Turkey" and BAM... good to go. Shot 5 takes in less...
When I first arrived in Vancouver BC from Manitoba I was hired to do the majority of the video production for a prospective reality TV series involving stunts. None of these shots have not yet been through any visual effects post production. Most video was shot for "Peter Kent's School of Hard Knocks" and the firefighter shots with the explosions are from "Movie Mechanics", Both shows are still shopping around for broadcasters to get picked up.