My Enduro mower I built in 2005. 4 year in a row champ.
Dance trophies
Monster Mower mud running
Jonnywayne and I can build just about anything ..with a small engine..XD
Building an Enduro mower for 2012.
My garage where Xtreme Mower Mayhem started.
Kel and Daisy!!...XD
What am I going to build next?!?!
Google: Monster Mowers....I'm everywhere!!
1969 Impala
My Summer ride
Ate too many sour candy..XD
Super Heros Dance Team...(Spiderman)
My Daisy Dog...=)
Mr Hulk?...XD
Filming for Extreme Makeover Home Edition Union City,Iowa
I build Monster Mowers
With stunts like this. We help raise funds for charity. Over $40,000.00 since 2005. Our record is $11,000.00 in one day.
My best friend JonnyWayne
Best friend JonnyWayne on his Monster Mower
One of 3 monster mowers I built.