Created by Eve Ensler, and hosted by the Charter Oak Cultural Center in Hartford, CT... Welcome to the Vagina Monologues! With director Adrienne Marie, these...
Directed by Adrienne Marie and Presented at Charter Oak Cultural Center in Hartford, CT... Special thanks to Eve Ensler, the author of Vagina Monologues. Sup...
Francee` Bouvenir presented Elizabeth Alexander's poem "Praise Song For The Day"
An award-winning play by Brian Kral is based on the Japanese tradition of the origami crane as a symbol of peace, and gives families an opportunity to examine the strength of the human spirit, while finding courage in adversity. It reveals the truth and hope that comes from the hearts of children. After World War II, Kyushu, a Japanese street-kid from Hiroshima, is sent to the hospital. For mysterious reasons, she seems to be losing her eyesight. Could it be the lingering effects of the bomb...
Francee` Bouvenir a Poet and performer. She has written a book of poetry called, "The Journey AND The Memoirs: Poems/Poetry's that Challenging The Consequences". She penned it in both English and Spanish. Join us as we speak to this crossover writer, poet and performer about writing in multiple languages and learn some tips on creating prose.