Award winning screenwriter; award winning composer; novelist coming out with an historical trilogy on Amazon next year; retired flight instructor; retired paramedic officer from Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue Dept; retired ACLS and PALS instructor; former professional actor with a Broadway credit; father; husband
Silence Action Set in NYC in the summer of 1977, a brilliant young geneticist at Columbia tries to keep his own sins hidden while risking his life to prove that a strange German man he knows is the SS doctor who killed his grandparents at Dachau concentration camp.
Esperancia Action A wealthy black shipping tycoon must forsake all his power, money, and influence keeping a promise to the friend who saved his life, but in the process faces almost certain death after discovering that his long-lost younger brother is the kingpin of the murderous human trafficking trade in South Florida and the Caribbean.
Finalist in Music For Film held by Ravel Association 2016
"Silence" screenplay won 4 international film festivals and placed in top 3-10 of 2 dozen others.
"Esperancia" screenplay won 1 scrnwrtg comp and placed in top 3-10 of a dozen others
Finalist in New Cambridge Singers UK Choral Competition 2016
U.S. Army electronics
Screenwriting U class 42