Elena Nemykh's Reel

Long way

4 series feature film (melodrama)


80 feature serial detective

I'll return

12 feature serial about tragic fates during 2'nd World War

Servants of the two dictatorships

Film about fate of OSTarbuters(prison's workers during Gitler's and Stalin's dictatorships


DOCUDRAMA( history of alcohol in Russia)

Heavy burden of freedom

Film about tragic fate of journalism in Russia

Lost world

Part of film about Cappodocia

Amata nobis (short film,1996)

"Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla"... in latin language it's mean:" The best lover, for all the best lover for all of us

Video(my calling for future investors of short film)

I'm calling for future investors of short film

Video( about future 12 feature serial of film Jump)

My message for future investors for 12 serial JUMP

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