I'm a transgender woman who is working to show that there is more to transgender people than the stereotypes
I write and use the posters I make and the songs I write and sing to highlight transgender people are equally as capable as anyone else to inspire change in people life's and thinking
I know the value of my work in the world we currently all find ourselves in at the moment so nothing or no1 will stop me
My aim is to get published and use whatever sales to start the first transgender rehab/refuge in Great Britain for victims of the sex industry/human trafficking and or those who have addiction issues help those who have been disowned by their families and friends
So it's really much bigger than me , it's my mission and life purpose and nothing or no1 will
stop me ever ❤️
Inner War
There was a war that raged within my soul
When I'm feeling blue and down the hate I used to have of me and how God made me to be , can creep back in and if I don't stay mindful of my words , actions and behaviours it threatens to take over my mind again
It can be a struggle to keep myself from tumbling head first back into the darkness of the inner abyss of my mind
If I don't speak my truth and embrace Gods Loving embrace of serenity
So I must speak the truth ,
I felt in my past as though I had been cursed to live this life of torment , misery and pain
The inner battle i always fought was a constant drain that sucked the life out of my resilient heart
I have to fight hand to hand spiritual combat with the shadow of negativity that threatens to overshadow all the good from me
Being positive and dropping love bombs that warm my spirit to keep me from slipping
back into my old way of thinking which was insanity
Old behaviours and thinking may sometimes resurface if I'm not making a searching fearless moral inventory of myself
So I admit Although sometimes I wish , wonder and cry out to God why , ow why didn't you just take me
So many times you had your chance yet instead you lead me onwards on this often
confusing dance of life
7 times I should have died but instead i have to eat this humble pie
It used to leave a bittersweet taste in my mouth , that made me angry and all often weep and cry
I could never understand the purpose of making me this way and I often yearned to just slip away in my dreams to never return to this waking life filled with sorrow ,anxiety , pain , worry and strife
That all too often was self created by me
Yes I realise God has showered blessings upon me by the metric tonne
However because I lied to myself and others about my nature and who I really was in reality the blessings bestowed unto me evaporated like water drawn out of the ocean of my old lies
Leaving me with more pain that I had drawn to me karmically
To get on with my life it's imperative that i don't sit and dwell on the fact my life used to often feel like a living self created cell of hell
A self loathing that spilled over into the life's of those around me
Now clearly not shrouded by a drug fuelled haze I can begin to see that often my problems emanated from my own hate of life , simply who I really was and meant to be
I used to be Scared to reach out and speak my truth as I just wanted the pain to disappear or at least pretend it was never even here
Finally I see it must simply be done , from the old thought patterns of mental anguish I can no longer run
Being honest about my reality helps bring back serenity and sanity
Starting to walk along my red road of life under guidance from my higher power
A soulful spiritual journey designed to set thee free
I can begin to step forward and not only see myself positively but other people equally
Learning to love myself unconditionally was always a inner hidden battle for me
A front to others and because I couldn't love myself I couldn't love any other life naturally
Love of self sets my heart , mind and soul free from the chains , locks and keys I buried deep within the core of my created complex reality
Handing over to God releases me so I can let Go and let God in , the way it's supposed to be
As there is no point hiding the truth as God sees all around and deep within us all individually
Finally drugs and drink no longer appeal to me as they only make me behave manically and create a inner mind insanity
The only thing I truly crave now is stillness of my mind which touches my heart and refreshes my soul blessedly
My cup is never half empty or half full instead it runs over enabling me to quench the thirst in other people's minds not just mine alone
Keeping it simple spiritually enables the water of life to flow through me
Simply because my heart is now open and I allow God to enter in
I can now realign myself with my very own compassionate compass
Which not only helps me but all those that come into contact with me
Often others become realigned naturally without them realising inadvertently
Now I'm learning to Love me , myself and I , I can finally love other people places and things properly
It readjusts my inner monologue rewiring my thinking and life philosophies
A New Found Therapy
I have so many poems that used to be locked deep down within me
No longer held back by a darkness that tried to overshadow what people see
Not trapped within a dream like state that caused my gloomy obscurity
A rhythm and flow that was given by God
Then nurtured by myself in life's university
To help shine a light in the dark like a firefly glowing most beautifully
Lighting the way to help others see it's a kind of new found therapy
Helping to set hearts , minds , bodies and spirits free
No longer jangling the chains society imbedded within the core of me
Now grasping the key to turn the locks that have been blocking my destiny
Negativity no longer controlling my internal biochemistry
So I can only pass and infect others with the Love and light blessedly radiating from my soul comes natural to me
It gives all their wings and parachutes so their souls can soar up high then free fall heavenly
It's a majestic recipe tasting better than the sweetest honey
Splendidly I weave my rhymes and riddles that not only help me
But also humanity most serendipitously
Untouched by jealousy sometimes shown by others who unbeknowingly and innocently try to infect me
I'm no longer lashing out with my tongue cause in truth it not only hurts them but you , me and everybody inadvertently
Now instead I'm Understanding others and embracing my intuition and empath abilities
This Is a new found internal weaponry to share only my Love for all of life with total positivity
So we all can start to take the path that leads to ascendency
Speaking not only in complexity with total fidelity
Realigning all with my new found ecstasy
Through adjustment of my choice of words
Spreading love through the sweet fields in the mind of others is a present gifted to me by my higher power
Designed and crafted for all of humanity equally
Opening up hearts , minds and souls adjusting the dials of each persons neurochemistry
Thankyou God for showing me a path to help others understand the Elixir Of life not just me
The Elixir
The elixir of life lifts your lows and turns them into highs , it changes your whole outlook on strife ; even when your troubles are rife
Forever remember to always stoke the embers of joy out of every tiny bit of negativity ; and spin it around with pure positivity
Search for every moment of happiness and glee , make it your souls one true decree ; from this through the laws of attraction
Your life will be blessed continually , because in finality , your frequency will be the way it should have always been ; balanced with nature and blessed with The creators Love For All Eternity Now the elixir of life Runs Free
By Asha A Stone