David Anthony Butler's Reel

In These Streets

One friend wants to retire his player's jersey and say goodbye forever to the hustle and bustle of partying all night... the other wants him to keep going. B...

Doing It Again

"Doing It Again", written by David Anthony Butler and performed by Jataun Gilbert, is the poetic tale of a young man, dealing with a woman that he loves, but...

Broken Glass Dolls

Written by David Anthony Butler, and performed by Quinterra Custis, Broken Glass Dolls is a poem about the modern "celebrity", and the perception of beauty.

When it all falls down.... build it back up.

A quick photo shoot with the talented Brandon Berry... during our conversation he mentioned to me the story of having finished a project only to have all the...


Promo video for a new script!!


She Used to Love Me

A Poetic FIlm about a love lost, but never forgotten.

BTS Sixx.mp4

Summer's Ending

As the Summer comes to an end and cooler nights begin, we trade the warmth of the sun for the heat of a fireplace, and cozy blanket, and some good cuddling. ...

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