Lois Wolf Stern

Lois Wolf Stern

Screenwriter, Voice Actor and Voice Artist

Baltimore, Maryland

Member Since:
June 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Lois

While working on a character for a new VO demo, I discovered scene writing. For those who aren't aware, in order to create a 10 second character bit for a demo, one must know all the ins and outs of why the character is saying what you have them saying. In other words, the full story must play out in your head in order to narrow it down to a scene and the one line in that scene that you want to use for the demo.

I fell in love with the process. I also felt that at least one of the 13 stories I created for the character demo was worthy of its own story, not just a scene.

I write with my favorite cousin, Marcy, who can finish my thoughts or at least know where I'm coming from. Marcy and I have plenty in common, but come at things from different perspectives. It is a great collaboration and I look forward to every writing session as well as our continued education and growth in the writing world.




  • Figments and Sparks

    Figments and Sparks Family Fantasy A group of highly creative kids, led by their reluctant Nanny, set out to find their father, but ultimately learn that all Imagination is at stake.

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