Loglines & Screenplays by Max Boyce

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A Murder by Henry Smith

GENRES: Crime, Film-noir

Short story in .doc form. Murderer is contacted on face book by a woman he murdered. Locations are Hawaii and Southern California. It is yours for free, no questions asked. You write your own screenplay or I'll help you write it. It's a short story read it, it's its own synopsis. Don't be a lazy film maker!


GENRES: Not selected

Free short story. A woman takes a dive off The Empire State Building in 1949 after seeing her husband die in a horrible plane crash on their wedding day. You write it to a screen play. Could go as a short film or long, depending on your creativity. I'll help rewrite. I wrote it for a literary fiction contest.


GENRES: Action, Adventure, Drama, Experimental, Horror, Other, Sports

A high school basketball star goes for the winning basket, he jumps, aims and while in the air is magically transferred back in time to the African savannah. He must hunt to survive, to feed self and to feed his tribe. Returning to his real time, he makes the shot, becomes the hero and in the process realized where all the moves of life and sports originate from. Sports, basketball metaphor and evolution. All you need is a gazelle or an impala or a donkey made to look like an impala. Locations/ cast: filled gymnasium, boy's room, 20 extras for tribe of a millions years ago, coach, teams of 5 player and an African savannah. This short story is turning out to be a real bear to script and I need help.


GENRES: Comedy, Horror, Other

Bear Gryll eats raw insects, fights rabid monkeys, swims naked under the North Pole and skies, while blindfolded, down glaciers. A whole group of near brain dead humans (men and women) ski straight down mountains, explore active volcanoes, bicycle down the Amazon, jump motorcycles over the Grand Canyon and surf 80 foot waves. I'm pretty sure our zombie friends would want in on this kind of sports actions and the big bucks that come with hefty advertiser endorsement contracts for extreme sports and death defying stupidity.


GENRES: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller

It's Pygmalion, a story about a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved, with a twist. Set in the rainforest of Maui, Casanova's restaurant and at a tropical pond where magic facilitates a just revenge. It's a short story in .doc form. Screenplay will be up by June 15.


GENRES: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Film-noir, Historical, Horror, Thriller

A man loses his legs and one arm in Iraq to a terrorist in a fire fight. Wheelchair bound when back in the islands (Maui) he falls in love with a one-armed Chinese woman with a mysterious past. Together they exchange memories after proclaiming and sacrificing their deep love to each other.


GENRES: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller

An morgue pathologist's hubby dies in one of the twin towers. In grief and despair she recreates her hubby using a 3-D printer. While in the grips of insanity and loneliness she seduces her 3-D ex, only to have her present hubby arrive back home to protect and save her.... he thinks. What the hell is a 3-D printer used for in a morgue? Think about it... the face of the deceased has to be near perfect for viewing. This s a new concept and here is the first story using that idea. Maybe a 3-D plastic gun can be made for product placement.

Set in an L.A. (or Honolulu) morgue, N.Y. (Hawaii short story version posted)/ Script will be on site soon. I can adapt the story to any large city in the USA/CANADA.

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