Hello all! I am Simon and have been a freelance photographer for just about 18 years. While I have always held some form of full time job, as well as a military veteran, my passion for many years has been photography. About two years ago, I finally took the plunge into the industry and registered my business. However, I am at a point now, where I will require a team of people to assist in my work. The team includes a Photoshop expert, lighting and set assistants, as well as a marketing professional. Right now, my budget cannot afford me to hire full time employment, however, I will bring on interns, college students and photographers new to the industry, to work with me as they grow their own skill sets. This may seem strange, now, but photography, at this point in my life, is a means to an end. My great passion in life is training others in the art of self reliance. I am truly in a happy state of mind when I can share my knowledge with others that will ultimately have an effect on a person's ability to survive any situation. My ultimate goal is to raise enough money to fund another business that I have started and registered with my state, but will cost many tens of thousands in start up capital to finally realize this dream. Which is one reason why I am looking for a team to build my photography business. I have the opportunity to make my clients happy, whilst taking on the challenge of running a small business in the industry. Taking this challenge head on, and moving forward in a 'full time' manner, will help me to raise the necessary funds over the course of the next year or two, to fully see my next challenge become a reality. What I am looking for: -Photoshop intern to perform necessary functions of editing images from each photo session -Someone who has some marketing knowledge and able to help promote my photography business in conjunction with all available images and business theme -An assistant to help with scheduling, lighting each set where necessary, assuring that all clients have made their payments, and any other function necessary for the success of the business as a whole Should any or all of those that are selected perform their jobs in a favorable manner and wish to help in growing my survival training business, they will be given the opportunity of full time employment as members of my senior staff. The survival business I started has many people involved already with two other partners and spans the country. I will be happy to add these interns to our staff as we grow the business. Their new positions, at that time, will be learned and each will receive full paid training on each of their roles. This is obviously a summary, but would like to hear from you if you are interested in honing your own skills and perhaps after talking, we may work together to help each other grow. Thanks for reading. Simon