Mum of three boys with a crazy passion for script/screenwriting. Just finished 5 years of uni... a degree in Creative Writing and Drama and the final piece of work just handed in for my MA in TV Scriptwriting, which has quite simply been... awesome!
I wrote poems, stories, an unpublished fantasy/fiction YA novel blah blah blah, until a lecturer of mine asked if I'd thought about TV Scriptwriting...
Now I've completed my studies... I've fallen in love with the process... like well in love with it!
I've written six short plays which have been performed as part of the awesome 14/48 festival, and recently had a full length play called Till I Die, about the friendship of 6 people who, having not seen each other for almost 16 years, decide to reunite in time for one of Leicester's biggest matches to date... which was on at The Y Theatre in Leicester and included LCFC's own Drummer Man and local band The Dead Shoot. I love combining music and performance.
Having just completed my MA I have a whole office full of scripts... It may have taken me a while to get here... but I guess that just means I got a fair bit of life experience under my belt...
I'm part of The Yard Writing Team - a great project which follows the lives of UK residents fleeing the UK, as refugees post Brexit.
I've also written...
Static - a comedy following the life of a skint caravan site owner and his secret animated lodgers.
Runner - a drama series following a struggling Crown Prosecutor who takes a trip overseas to ease her conscience after she puts someone away and lives to regret it.
Gunner - a 12 part series following the life and times of a WW2 Gunner and his glamorous tram driving wife!