Brian Edwards

Brian Edwards


Westmont, Illinois

Member Since:
September 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Brian

I'm A screenwriter started when I was High School I have Writing Partner who I write Movie Scripts to Horror. We Write Thriller/Action/suspense Movie Script we got it done a while back ago with Rough Draft Script.

I just Posted the Rough Daft of our Script. If Intrested in Our 1 st Draft Massage me.

We're looking for Producer/Dir if intrested. Please leave Massage me for more details. We have a Cover Letter, Logline, Synopsis, Resume you want to see/read that to You can Maassage me on that to..

Thank You....





  • Writing to the Top"

    Writing to the Top" Thriller Logline- Skipper, an amateur screenwriter destined to make it to the top,designs a trivial act of manipulation in order to capture the genuine emotion of his best friend's girlfriend as well as hisprospective audience.  While in fear for her life, Skipperreveals the truth about what has really been going on and why.  Hewanted to portray that true act of fear that, unbeknownst to him at the time, would backfire and forever end his career beforeit truly ever got started.

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