Currently a senior at Haverford College, I've been doing scattered PA gigs for about 7 years. Started in high school with PBS doing interviews, talk shows, live events, and web content. Last year I worked on a local short film, "Heaven's Leg," with Peter English, and this October I'll be working on music video for Eddie Gessford. After graduation in May I'm moving to Santa Monica to continue PA work professionally.
Little Boy
Music Vide
by Eddie Gessford
Set PA
Heaven's Leg
Film (short)
by Peter English (Comedy and Short)
Set PA
artZONE: Volume 7
by Panhandle PBS
Set PA
Side by Side: An Artists Conversation
by Panhandle PBS
Set PA
AMoA: Don Reitz
by Panhandle PBS
Student Editor
artZONE: Volume 4
by Panhandle PBS
Set PA
Haverford College