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For the Geographic Bio Program, Martin Richards has been commissioned to help a research team in their expedition of an unchartered land. This journey involves creating a viable route for trading between different countries and testing their survival instincts. Unbeknownst to them, the territory holds an ancient predatory force of 60 million years.
Colonel Martin Richards has been dispatched by the Geographic Bio Program, a governmental organization led by Vince B. Howard, to explore and document an unknown Brazilian region located in the Amazon. This secret mission is meant to act as an impartial arbiter in a border dispute that involves trade between two countries. He will also be accompanied by a team of scientists, who will be advised and protected by the Colonel. In order to do so, they'll have recruited Matea, a young local guide who can help them safely reach their destination: an area surrounding Roraima mountain.
But all does not go according to plan when ancient inhabitants of these lands arise and turn the exploration into a battle for survival. The explorers are forced to flee from monsters millions of years old - it's now a race against time as they attempt to make it out alive!
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Thank you my friend!!
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Very well done, Buddy.
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My best Mentor! Big Mike, thank you my friend!
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