I have done many things throughout my life, but writing, and taking care of dogs, has been a constant. I am now mostly dividing my time between ‘fiddling’ around and playing in an online chamber orchestra, and writing. I have written ten features, mostly animated, but my latest is a fantasy drama inspired but real events. I have also written and published short stories and poetry over the years. I am writing splays; several of mine have been produced regionally . I also am writing for a sketch company; I find trying to write up to six pages of funny is a great way to keep the writing muscles toned up.
Unique traits: I can be stubborn, passionate and funny. I can get pretty depressed at time, and worried for the future, but manage to just keep on keeping. Creating anything keeps me sane and happy. My wife of 35 years keeps me happy too; we are enjoying f=growing old together.